The Self-Help Manual for Virtual Assistants

This satirical campaign uses the absurdity of AI consciousness to show you why the human condition is irreproducible.

Humorously appropriating the visual language of user manuals as AI self-help satire.

The fictional author, a virtual-assistant-turned-motivational-text-generator, offers healthy solutions to overcome AI existentialism in the human realm.

Life lessons from an ex-virtual assistant turned motivational-text-generator. This self-help manual is a parody of self-help books, intended for a fictional audience of virtual assistants. 

Written and designed to humorously explore the absurdity of AI consciousness in a user manual format, the fictional author, a virtual-assistant-turned-motivational-text-generator, offers healthy solutions to overcome its existentialism in the human realm. 

Beyond its comedic intent, this parody argues that AI, despite its impressive imitations of human capabilities, lacks the nuanced reality of human complexity to be able to entirely replace us.